The bite is off on a splint? Here’s what you should do.
Article by Luke Dias, Co-Owner/Digital Manager (Orthocraft)
If a newly fabricated nightguard does not have balanced antagonist contacts and is hitting prematurely in the anterior or posterior, this article will ensure the re-make is accurate to the patient’s VDO. To avoid this bite issue altogether, please check out our article on capturing open bite relationship.
How to record patient’s bite over existing splint
Cut four grooves into the existing splint (as indicated by the blue markings in the photo below)
Place bite registration material on the entire occlusal surface (on/in the grooves) and have the patient bite into it.
Send us the splint with the bite registration.
Why was the bite off in the first place? When we receive a thin bite registration, or no bite registration at all, we articulate the upper and lower models and open the bite using the articulator to establish a sufficient occlusal splint thickness. The articulator is not an accurate representation of the patient’s true opening, and that’s where things go wrong.
Want to avoid this issue altogether? Check out our article: capturing open bite relationship with a leaf gauge.
Receive a free open bite kit when you send a case.
Recommended Video:
How to Capture Open Bite Relation
Baron Grutter DDS, https://www.barongrutterdds.com/